Directors & Volunteers Needed

Nomination Committee – Sheryl Slightom has volunteered to head up the Nominating Committee this year. We had three volunteers step up and offer their help with this important committee: Terry Baranowski, Helen Russo and Allen Koning.  November 30th will be a meet and greet for the candidates who would like to run for the Board. More information to follow.

Social Committee – is in need of a chairperson. We had three people volunteer to help with this committee: Terry Barnowski, Peggy Drake, and TC Carr. 

Newsletter – we had no volunteers for this position. If anyone out there wants to publish a newsletter we could use your help. Members have asked for a newsletter but if no one volunteers we will not have one.

Front Entrance/Maintenance Committee – Bill Baitinger who has been doing this job for the past seven years has resigned. He has done a tremendous job with keeping our front entrance weed free and clean but it is time for someone else to take over this task.

If you are interested in helping out please contact the Secretary, Debi Harney 253-988-5569 and she can put you in touch with the right people.

Thank you,
Debi Harney